Visual grammar as a tool evaluate educational video desing
Didactic activity, Intertextual construction, Visual design grammar, Rubric, Assistive technologyAbstract
This text addresses the use of video as a solution for learning, which has been present in education for more than a century. Video as an audiovisual example has historically been present on the national scene since the end of the 20th century, presenting itself as a “seductive” resource for teaching. However, it is technically unfeasible to select or even evaluate a teaching activity. In this sense, this study aims to identify how to evaluate the educational video. Using an intertextual construction and, therefore, updating itself, as the philosopher Pierre Levy teaches us, the dimensions of the grammar of visual design for an educational video were constructed. This study evaluates that the analysis of a video can occur through a rubric, with previously established dimensions. It was considered that visual grammar must be evaluated within previously established dimensions, but assistive technology must also be used.
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