Estratégias produtivas de confecção:

ateliê de moda festa



Estratégias produtivas. Gestão de processos. Moda festa.


The objective of this study is to propose productive strategies aimed at the production of made-to-measure clothing to maintain the expected delivery times. Regarding the classification of the research, it is of an applied, qualitative and descriptive nature. A case study was developed in a party fashion studio, where it was possible to identify several problems regarding the organization of the production system. To this end, production strategies were researched to order, documenting the process flows and, from that, suggested flows with improvements for future processes. It is also contemplated, based on the theories of visual management of lean manufacturing, a proposal for panels for the daily control of production, as they are an integral part of the organization of a production flow.


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How to Cite

DE COL, D.; SEIBEL, S. .; DA ROSA, L.; SILVEIRA, I.; BABINSKI JÚNIOR, V. . Estratégias produtivas de confecção:: ateliê de moda festa. Poliedro Journal, Pelotas, Brasil, v. 8, n. 10, p. 019–040, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 dec. 2024.